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These four are running for governor this November.

October 6, 2023

Nicole Galloway, Democratic Party

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Galloway is from Fenton and attended both Missouri S&T and Mizzou. She is a certified fraud examiner and currently lives in Columbia. Galloway is the state auditor, and she is running for governor to provide a new way. Galloway is running for governor because she wants to change the quality of Missouri education for the better, provide more job opportunities, end the waste of millions of taxpayer money, and more. Galloway plans on increasing the accessibility to healthcare, along with lowering the price of it. She plans on changing the way Covid-19 is being handled here in Missouri, tackling racial disparities, dealing with the corruption in Jefferson City, making the communities safer, and aiding the rural communities. 


Mike Parson, Republican Party

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Parson is from Hickory County, and he served as an Mp for two tours of duty in the army. Parson also spent 22 years as a part of law enforcement. Parson is currently the governor of Missouri and thus is running for reelection. He is running for reelection because he pledged to move Missouri forward with integrity, trust, honor, and common sense. Parson wants to get Missouri back to work as soon as possible and lead the state through this economic comeback. Rather than reforming the police like other states are doing, Parson wants to give the police more tools to deal with the violence in Missouri cities.


Rik Combs, Libertarian Party

Combs grew up on a cattle farm and went to school at the University of Alabama. He also served in the Air Force and got his MS and Ph.D. while on duty. Currently, Combs is living in Cole County and is active in his community and charities. Combs is running for governor because he wants to keep Missouri from being controlled by special interest groups and to stop the corruption. He wants to slash taxes, reduce government spending, and protect private property. Combs believes in limited government, free enterprise, personal responsibility, and personal accountability. He is also pro-life and pro-gun. He believes that having the ability to defend one’s family and neighbors is the highest calling and responsibility bestowed by God. 


Jerome H. Bauer, Green Party

Bauer has a Ph.D. in Sanskrit Religious Literature, an MA in Religious Studies, an AB, Anthropology, and an AM in Social Science. He is also the co-founder of the Washington University Cooperative Network which was created in 2003. Bauer is currently living in St. Louis. He is running for governor because he believes that people can do better than Better Together, Medicaid Expansion, and the Green New Deal. Bauer believes in universal health care, disability rights, universal design, transportation equality, and equity. He also believes that saving that planet is neither left nor right, just common sense. 

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