Noah Reviews: Skyrim


Noah Swopes

* This may contain spoilers if you have not read into/played any of the Elder Scrolls games. *

Skyrim is a really great game. However, when you get done with the DLCs and the main storyline, the game becomes kind of dry.

— Noah Swopes

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls franchise, which is set many years ago in 1E 0 when “the Dragonborn” is sent to be beheaded for war crimes. The Dragonborn is then allowed to be customized from head to toe to suit the player’s fantasy of what a dragon slayer would look like in real life.

The Dragonborn, whose name you can also customize, is then flung into a fight with a dragon. Tearing down the fort, he is then inclined to escape from his captors and leave when he’s met with two different paths. You now must make a choice between an officer from the Legion’s military or an officer from the Stormcloak Rebellion. Whichever path you choose will create an alternate storyline, but of course, if you choose one, you will be on target for the other side.

The storyline is very crooked, as no matter what you choose to do on your path, there will always be another two paths that you must choose from. Eventually, there will be simpler situations to get an item or figure out a faction. Perhaps you join a faction or two or start a rebellion, but no matter what you decide to do, there will always be an alternative path that could’ve been taken or figured out.

When you get closer to the middle of one of the DLC storylines, you must join a faction of vampire hunters named, “The Dawnguard,” which investigates hidden parts of Skyrim to seek out any and all vampires terrorizing their lands. Coming in with this DLC, you can choose if you’d rather be a werewolf or a vampire, and I know, it does sound like an old Twilight novel, but it is not as cheesy as that. If you join the “Companions,” which is one of the factions in the main cities, you could possibly end up as a werewolf. From there, you do missions for them and gain their trust. If you do the storyline for Dawnguard, you will need to grab four scrolls. To get the last and final scroll, you find a vampire by the name of “Serana” who is more than 650 years old. You help her in exchange for the scroll, but at certain moments during the storyline, she will ask if you would like her to transform you into a vampire.

 In my honest and true opinion, Skyrim is a really great game. However, when you get done with the DLCs and the main storyline, the game becomes kind of dry and boring because everything you’ve ever needed to get done is done. If I had to rate this game out of 10, it would probably be a 7.5/10.