IB Impressions
IB students discuss their experience with the program
October 6, 2023

When securing classes for next year a lot of people are hesitant to choose an IB class. People have confessed that they have also been bullied into choosing IB for their future classes. Because of this, they feel as if IB classes are less important, but these classes can help build a person’s future. They can boost a student’s knowledge and ability to learn at a higher level for the future.
“It depends on what the teacher does but if they have extra assignments or opportunities then take as many as you can to better yourself,” IB senior Julianna Stramara said.
It is really important when trying to prepare for the IB test, to take those opportunities, even if they are optional. Especially if someone is trying to aim to get a high score on the test. It is also really important for people to constantly go over their notes and things that are not fresh in their minds. Another IB student, senior Ty Medlock said that it is reintroducing the information that is really important and that taking practice quizzes can also help.
“I think if you like the challenge and you like reading really fun books and doing fun activities then definitely do IB,” IB senior Bailey Lagan said.

Students generally would recommend sophomores take IB next year, they all said yes. Although Stramara thought that if you were not very interested in the subject it probably would not be in your best interest to take that class. Lagan wanted to make it a point that you should take a leap of faith and take an IB class. Even if it is only a year-long course.
“This year has been more difficult, but I feel like our teachers have prepared us really well for some rigorous assignments, tests, and projects,” Kyle Gerding IB senior said.
The coronavirus has made it a lot harder for IB students to do certain things. A lot of projects that have to do at school had to be shifted into an at-home project. This also affects the preparation for the test. Although many students believe that teachers, even with all the challenges from COVID-19, have prepared them enough for the IB tests.
Hopefully, when preparing for the test it will be easier to finish. It should be noted that when taking IB you should save all of your notes about everything. Do not understand something? Take extra notes and go to a teacher for some help. Do you really not understand something? Do extra practice assignments and make sure you are getting more help from a teacher.