Terrible Tornadoes

A quick description of tornadoes, how to prepare for them, and their impact on Missouri


Jaeden Miller

Tornadoes are violently rotating columns of air that extend from a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes are capable of causing mass destruction wherever they touch down. Because of this, it is very important to be prepared, especially here in the tornado alley.

“When it comes to tornadoes, I do not really get scared. I have experienced them my whole life and know what to do during them, I guess,” senior Braden Allee said. 

When it comes to tornadoes, I do not really get scared. I have experienced them my whole life and know what to do during them, I guess

— Braden Allee

According to Ready.gov, there are many steps one can take to prepare for a tornado. Some of these steps include knowing the signs of a tornado, keeping up with emergency warnings, knowing your safe shelter, preparing for your pet, and preparing to be stuck for extended periods.

“I do not think I have ever been scared during a tornado. Maybe when I was a little kid, but since we live in Missouri and experience tornado warnings and watches pretty often, I am just so used to them,” senior Carson Williams said.

According to the CDC, the safest place to go during a tornado is a basement or windowless room on the first floor of whatever building one might be in. If in a car, leave the car immediately and find a nearby ditch or divot in the ground to shelter in. Cover your head and neck with your arms.

“I have only ever experienced tornadoes when I am at home. My room is already in the basement, so I feel comfortable during them since I can just shelter myself in my room and still use my computer and stuff,” Allee said. 

With tornado season upon us in Missouri, it is very important to know how to properly prepare for one. Make sure to follow all directions from local newscasts, and stay safe if and when a tornado ever strikes nearby.