Post High School
Two student’s plans after graduation
October 6, 2023

Not everyone knows that they want out of life, let alone what they want to do or where they want to work for the rest of their lives.
A few students here at Lee’s Summit High School will speak about what their hope for their future looks like. This whole school has a wide variety of demographics that want to go into so many different fields after high school, but I am just going to highlight two students who are dead set on what their careers are going to be after this long year is done.
“I plan to work with my dad and brother at a plastic mold plant as their maintenance. One of the main reasons I’m going to work there is because I will get the opportunity to finish my welding certification.” Zane Imsdahl said.
Some kids, like Imsdahl, are wanting to start working with family to support their family’s businesses. Ultimately, this could be stable due to the fact that it will not be hard to get things off of your chest if your boss is family.
“I plan to go to the Air Force Academy after high school and triple major in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Science, and Pilotry,” junior Jayden Grannan said.
These separate careers will bring plenty of opportunities to travel and see the world which is one of the reasons why such a wide variety of people were interviewed in my grade or the grade below me to see where they are going to possibly end up.
“The thing I’m most excited about is getting to meet new people and travel a bit while I am in the military or in college,” Grannan said.
It is a good idea to know what you are doing as a career the moment you leave high school because the better plan you have for your future the more set up you and your family will be.