Girls golf is a sport that we don’t pay as much attention to compared to others, they play alone in a quieter and calmer environment. People don’t see it as exciting, but to the girls in golf, it means much more.
“I just feel like golf is more calming and relaxing.” Sophomore Maddison Shuster said.
Golf’s setting takes place in beautiful fields that are oftentimes almost silent to help the players find time to reset and relax while playing. But that doesn’t take away from their competitiveness.
“It just really starts to stress you out. I feel like it’s because it is an individual sport, like you can’t rely on your teammates. And a lot of the time, you aren’t even playing with people, you know, so it’s just kind of like, yeah, you’re on your own.” Senior Anna Seck said.
Playing on their own really sets golf apart. They have to learn how to play without being able to rely on teammates for help. They’re out there on the fields alone.
In the beginning, I was a little rough, but then after, I did better.” Freshman Annabel Bond said.
The girls said that the beginning of the season had a rough start, but they just proved to get better.
“Putting is like the hardest part in golf,” Shuster said.
Learning all the different technics in golf is just as difficult as staying out of your own headspace.
“Don’t worry about other people’s scores.” Bond said.
Throughout the season, the girls continued to learn new things to help them improve. Their coaches had a significant impact on their experience.
“My coaches probably made me like golf. I like to learn so much new stuff, and they just make it more fun. “ Shuster said.
Golf Coaches Mr. Melody and Mr. Candless always made the experience better, as they helped the girls do their best while making it fun as well.
“They always said that they didn’t care what our scorecards looked like as long as we were having fun. And yeah, they made it really, really good.” Seck said.
Even though golf is a sport you play on your own, the girl’s golf team at LSHS is filled with a community of friendships and success.
“It is super fun, and the girls are all super nice. And you just make really good friendships, and the coaches are also just so nice. All the people just really make a difference.” Seck said