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Getting Ready for Game Season

Getting Ready for Game Season

Athletes from all sports talk about what it takes to be ready for the first game. 


As fall sports get ready to take off, athletes have prepared behind the scenes. Junior Olivia Wilmes talked about how she prepared for Girls Tennis.


“I did lessons, group lessons over the summer each week just to work and get some more consistency,” Wilmes said.


Teams had to build chemistry for the season.


“Friends will go out to eat, hang out at someone’s house, play video games, and do whatever to just bond. It just builds chemistry, and helps the team win,” Junior Peyton Hatfield said.


The soccer team had dinner together on the weekends.


“Team dinners are on a Saturday or a Sunday thing and it’s at someone’s house usually, and we just eat together,” Senior Noah Keisacker said.


Players had to prepare by themselves.


“I got a personal trainer so I can just sharpen my skills on my own, so I can help out the team as much as possible,” Hatfield said.


Loud crowd had their own preparation to support the players.


“We have had a lot of meetings with Mrs McDonald to create lists of themes and different things we’re gonna do throughout the season. I’m just hoping to make it more interactive with everybody, not just the seniors, and it’s going to be more fun for everyone,” senior Kolby Bockes said.

Loud Crowd had planned a hotdog, hamburger, mustard, and ketchup race.


“We’re gonna be doing races with one student per grade and freshman will be hot dog, sophomore hamburger, junior mustard and senior ketchup,” Bockes said.


Senior, Kale Vanpelt, said he added muscle overthe off season.


“Getting stronger in the weight room, trying to set goals and reach them so that it’s easier to do my job during the season,” Vanpelt said.


Wilmes said practice got her closer with teammates. 


“You just get closer when you play with them a lot,” Wilmes said.


Mistakes can be very costly in Tennis.


“Whenever you make a mistake it’s all on you and it will mess up the whole thing,” Wilmes said.


Players watched film to improve before games.


“Watch film, study your opponent and watch your own film to learn from your mistakes,” Vanpelt said.


Teams used doubt as fuel for the season.


“I want to prove everyone wrong, because most people don’t think we’re going to be very good just based on the past, but I think that we have a good chance to go pretty far,” Vanpelt said.

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