Tiger Smart sponsored a Spirit Week to bring attention to Red Ribbon Week, which is the largest drug abuse prevention week in the US.
Tiger Smart tries to combat peer pressure to do drugs or drink.
“Sometimes we feel that since our friends do it, we should be able to do it, but we need to think for ourselves. My parents always told me that nobody can make me do anything I don’t wanna do,” junior Allie Gordon said.
Tiger Smart used Red Ribbon week to bring attention to the choices students make.
“We’ve had examples of people telling us their drinking experience, their drug experience, and we just feel impacted by that. And so we want to help kids be like, this is what’s happened to people before, and we just want to make sure that it doesn’t happen to them,” junior Amber Dumler said.
Spirit Week included pajama day, surfer vs. bikers, the movie Inside Out, a few other fun theme days.
“We just want everyone to have fun with the spirit days, but also while learning that we’re saying no to drugs in all these different ways,” Gordon said.
Tiger Smart is focused on the students, with the hope that they empower their peers to avoid drinking and drugs.
“Always focus on our generation the most, since we’re the ones showing them, and we always focus on helping kids our age, saying no to drinking and drugs,” Dumler said.
The stories of what happened to people who have suffered from drug abuse and alcohol abuse inspired the Tiger Smart members to fight against drugs and underage drinking.
“Kids have heard about that, and they’ve heard the stories of what can happen. If we keep enforcing it in high school, it can help the students to realize even more that when you’re an adult and you have the ability to buy drugs and alcohol that you will know …this is what’s happened to other people. I don’t want to end up like them,” sophomore Jessica Sands said.
The Tiger Smart club’s main idea is to prevent students from using drugs and for the students to help their peers also say no to drugs.
Article and Photos by: Korryn Davis