Noah Reviews: World at War


Noah Swopes

 *Spoiler Alert*

Call of Duty: World at War is an exciting addition to the Call of Duty franchise, and as someone who grew up playing it, I definitely recommend giving it a try. 

— Noah Swopes

My brother and I grew up loving Call of Duty games, as well as your other basic military gaming franchises. We owned a Ps2 about 8 years ago and we played Call of Duty games all the time, but the very first one we played together was Call of Duty: World at War. The game centers around WW2, following the pacific and eastern theaters during the war with 3 completely different storylines. It features characters like Marine Raider Private C. Miller, US Navy Petty Officer Locke, and Red Army soldier Private Dimitri Petrenko.

In Call of Duty: World at War, you play as “Bell,” an ex-KGB operative who was brainwashed by CIA operative Russell Adler. The campaign itself is very involving, as you play through a lot of different timelines and you used a lot of different forms of transportation. Additionally, there are two other forms of gameplay, including multiplayer and zombies.

Multiplayer has all of your normal modes like hardpoint, capture the flag, and team deathmatch. It also has all new weapons that are different from the other Call of Duty games, which makes things very interesting.

Zombies has new gameplay, and it’s an all-new map. It includes a new wonder weapon, a new exit strategy, and a whole new storyline. Zombies follow the work of the omega group and a platoon of Nazis who explore an “abandoned” bunker, only to find out the scientists have been uncovering a super collider to spawn interdimensional portals all over the world.

Call of Duty: World at War is an exciting addition to the Call of Duty franchise, and as someone who grew up playing it, I definitely recommend giving it a try.